About gguida

I have swag

Recording thing for la clase de Español

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Por la manaña o por la noche?

Por la manaña Por la noche Por la manaña y por la noche
Me areglo el pelo Me afeito la cara Me cepillarse los dientes
Me desayuno

Me pongo el desodorante

Me ducho
Me lavo la cara
Me seco el pelo

Philosophy Studies #1 1/9/14

This is my first post for this subject, and my first post for the new year as we’ll. Sńra. Hugghins wanted me to show her how I would be learning any thing over philosophy, a subject she’s allowing me to study in our free time in her class, and I thought updating my blog would be a great way to do it. I’ll be updating my blog regularly, about once a day or every two days. This post is just an introduction post.